Hair It Is

Dark And Lovely

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Negro Hair

In doing my research and thinking that is what our hair does when it rains and snows and humidity hits high. It curls up to the tightest to protect itself. It is alive!

Our hair protects us from the elements. It absorbs and or repels water; absorbs heat, protects our scalp from heat but also traps heat to keep us warm.

Like our skin, our hair is made to protect us. It is also a Spiritual antenna. Our hair contains many elements and vitamins. Copper is a conductor of electricity, our hair contains copper. Copper is melanin.

Our hair is a natural barometer.

So of course those who don't have our natural beauty, wants us to destroy the goodness we have. With chemicals! Which destroys! Take away the melanin means take away the natural sun protection. Straighten hair means to damage it.

God gave us all different measures of protection...most African desents have thick wooly hair to protect them from the sun.

We're Queens and Kings! Regal! Probably why some give us the looks that they do. Humbled by our mere presence

Revelation 1:14

 House Slaves were not all 'Light" and 'Field Slaves' were not always 'Dark'.  African American Mothers engaged in the suppression of their child's natural features which formed a self-hatred and planted a seed in the mind of the child. An outsider can tell you anything and you can dust it off of your shoulders. How about a parent? Does not work that way. We have to vomit that seed!

African American Mulatto
This was done in front of the children who did not have the same features. Damaging 1:00

And thus the relaxer.  Two tier system.  Light Skin church, Dark Skin church :/

Favoritism, 1:15 and degrading!, Madam C J Walker

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400 Years Without a Comb

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400 Years Without a Comb

Our hair reminds me of the Male lion