Hair It Is

Dark And Lovely

Saturday, January 18, 2014


WARNING!!!! From Personal Experience : Do not overtake the recommended amount of this.  Will give you the wildest headache.  Drink plenty of water if this exists.

MSM provides the sulfur required for healthy collagen and keratin, which are both essential for healthy hair growth. It is also believed to naturally increase the hair growth phase. Your hair goes through three cycles: Growing, Resting, and Shedding.

There are a few supplements that you can take to ensure that your hair reaches its maximum growth potential which will increase both the length and health of your hair.

The first and best supplement to take for long healthy hair is msm (methylsulfonylmehtane). This substance is a form of organic sulfur often found in vegetable and fruits. Sulfur acts in the body to help cells become more permeable which allows them to take in more nutrients. Sulfur also acts to determine the curl pattern of your hair, in part, because disulfide bonds (sulfur atoms linking to one another), cause the hair to become curled. If you have a lot of disulfide bonds, then your hair would be curlier than someone who had less.

Taking msm allows more sulfur into your body which in turn allows more nutrients into your cells. This allows for a lengthened hair growth cycle and therefore longer hair. Incidentally, msm also has the ability to change your curl pattern to less curly. I wouldn't advise taking this supplement if you like your curl pattern because it can make your hair straighter.

Buy MSM Powder Here